Ansible Role fangfrisch
This role installs and configures Fangfrisch, a tool that „allows downloading virus definition files that are not official ClamAV canon“.
Mandatory Requirements
A Python virtual environment
installed. This can be done using the linuxfabrik.lfops.python_venv role.
If you use the Fangfrisch Playbook, this is automatically done for you.
Optional Role Variables
Variable |
Description |
Default Value |
Set this to enable downloading signatures from SecuriteInfo. Requires an SecuriteInfo account. |
unset |
Enables or disables the hourly fangfrisch timer to automatically update the signatures, analogous to |
# optional
fangfrisch__securiteinfo_customer_id: 'IVQyhw7Yszua6pzUhlGPVowucenHt2wQe9iXDfwsMOfheeOUakB28irj5JyDsKF4e81LkLbNUtMHcUGL9EVKOJ9WxSSv4ySjBhY0vngBDunEPlixtGTBB6f1mvaTqXzz'
fangfrisch__timer_enabled: false