Ansible Role motd

This role ensures that login warning banners are configured properly (according to CIS).

Runs on

  • RHEL 7 (and compatible)

  • RHEL 8 (and compatible)

  • RHEL 9 (and compatible)

  • Ubuntu 16



What it does


Installs login warning banners.

Optional Role Variables



Default Value


Logo for TTY console (multi-line). Backslashes have to be escaped properly.

Have a look


Logo for PTY consoles like SSH and other pseudo-terminals (multi-line)

Have a look


Legal notice (multi-line). CIS states that Warning messages inform users who are attempting to login to the system of their legal status regarding the system and must include the name of the organization that owns the system and any monitoring policies that are in place.

Have a look


# optional
motd__logo_tty: |+
  powered by
  .____    .__                       _____      ___.         .__ __
  |    |   |__| ____  __ _____  ____/ ____\\____ \\_ |_________|__|  | __
  |    |   |  |/    \\|  |  \\  \\/  /\\   __\\\\__  \\ | __ \\_  __ \\  |  |/ /
  |    |___|  |   |  \\  |  />    <  |  |   / __ \\| \\_\\ \\  | \\/  |    <
  |_______ \\__|___|  /____//__/\\_ \\ |__|  (____  /___  /__|  |__|__|_ \\
          \\/       \\/            \\/            \\/    \\/              \\/

motd__logo_pty: |+
  powered by
  .____    .__                       _____      ___.         .__ __
  |    |   |__| ____  __ _____  ____/ ____\____ \_ |_________|__|  | __
  |    |   |  |/    \|  |  \  \/  /\   __\\__  \ | __ \_  __ \  |  |/ /
  |    |___|  |   |  \  |  />    <  |  |   / __ \| \_\ \  | \/  |    <
  |_______ \__|___|  /____//__/\_ \ |__|  (____  /___  /__|  |__|__|_ \
          \/       \/            \/            \/    \/              \/

motd__legal_notice: |+
  *                                                                      *
  * This system is for the use of authorized users only. Individuals     *
  * using this computer system without authority or in excess of their   *
  * authority are subject to having all their activities on this system  *
  * monitored and recorded by system personnel. Anyone using this        *
  * system expressly consents to such monitoring and is advised that     *
  * if such monitoring reveals possible evidence of criminal activity    *
  * system personal may provide the evidence of such monitoring to law   *
  * enforcement officials.                                               *
  *                                                                      *


The Unlicense

Author Information

Linuxfabrik GmbH, Zurich