Check statuspal


Statuspal is a status page provider from Germany. This check plugin gets the summary of a Statuspal status page, checks its status, services, active incidents and lists maintenances. You need to provide the URL to the Statuspal API summary endpoint.


List of public Statuspal sites - Europe:

List of public Statuspal sites - USA:

Fact Sheet

Check Plugin Download

Check Interval Recommendation

Once a minute

Can be called without parameters


Compiled for

Linux, Windows

3rd Party Python modules



usage: statuspal [-h] [-V] [--always-ok] [--insecure] [--no-proxy]
                 [--test TEST] [--timeout TIMEOUT] [--url URL]

Statuspal is a status page provider from Germany. This check plugin gets the
summary of a Statuspal status page, checks its status, services, active
incidents and lists maintenances. You need to provide the URL to the Statuspal
API `summary` endpoint.

  -h, --help         show this help message and exit
  -V, --version      show program's version number and exit
  --always-ok        Always returns OK.
  --insecure         This option explicitly allows to perform "insecure" SSL
                     connections. Default: False
  --no-proxy         Do not use a proxy. Default: False
  --test TEST        For unit tests. Needs "path-to-stdout-file,path-to-
  --timeout TIMEOUT  Network timeout in seconds. Default: 8 (seconds)
  --url URL          Statuspal API URL. Default:

Usage statuspals

./statuspal --url=


Major incidents @ Exoscale (, TZ Europe/Zurich): [Network] Transient network disturbance / Situation has been resolved, we're monitoring the situation (2023-10-10 09:03:06) (see

Service                            ! State
Global.DNS                         ! [OK]
Global.Portal                      ! [OK]
CH-GVA-2                           ! [OK]
CH-GVA-2.API                       ! [OK]
AT-VIE-1.Network Load Balancer NLB ! [CRITICAL]
AT-VIE-1.Object Storage SOS        ! [OK]
AT-VIE-2                           ! [CRITICAL]

Upcoming Maintenance                                ! Type      ! Start               ! End
Core Network Architecture - Internal routing update ! scheduled ! 2023-09-20 07:00:00 ! open end
./statuspal --url=


Major incidents @ Ascent Global Logistics (, TZ America/Detroit): Service PEAK - Customer API  Production seems to be down / According to our monitoring system this service has become unresponsive, we're investigating. (2022-04-20 18:27:16)

Service                               ! State
Ascent Websites.Main Ascent Website   ! [OK]
PEAK.PEAK - Customer API  Integration ! [CRITICAL]
PEAK.PEAK - Customer API  Production  ! [CRITICAL]
Global IT Monitoring                  ! [CRITICAL]


  • WARN if minor incidents are found.

  • CRIT if major incidents are found.

Perfdata / Metrics

There is no perfdata.

Credits, License