Check ntp-w32tm
This monitoring plugin runs w32tm /query /status /verbose
(Windows) to help diagnose problems with the time settings.
Make sure that
is set to English output. Otherwise this check plugin may not work.
Fact Sheet
Check Plugin Download | |
Check Interval Recommendation |
Once a minute |
Can be called without parameters |
Yes |
Compiled for |
Windows |
usage: ntp-w32tm [-h] [-V] [-c CRIT] [--test TEST] [-w WARN]
This monitoring plugin runs `w32tm /query /status /verbose` (Windows) to help
diagnose problems with the time settings.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
-c, --critical CRIT Set the critical threshold for the time since "Last
Good Sync", in s. Default: 129600s
--test TEST For unit tests. Needs "path-to-stdout-file,path-to-
-w, --warning WARN Set the warning threshold for the time since "Last Good
Sync", in s. Default: 28800s
Usage Examples
./ntp-w32tm --warning 28800 --critical 129600
Leap Indicator: 3 (not synchronized), No NTP server used [WARNING], Last Sync Error: 1 (The computer did not resync because no time data was available.)
Leap Indicator: 3(not synchronized)
Stratum: 0 (unspecified)
Precision: -23 (119.209ns per tick)
Root Delay: 0.0267908s
Root Dispersion: 0.0402331s
ReferenceId: 0x00000000 (unspecified)
Last Successful Sync Time: 9/16/2023 12:52:13 PM
Poll Interval: 6 (64s)
Phase Offset: 0.7679486s
ClockRate: 0.0156250s
State Machine: 0 (Unset)
Time Source Flags: 0 (None)
Server Role: 0 (None)
Last Sync Error: 1 (The computer did not resync because no time data was available.)
Time since Last Good Sync Time: 19.2218793s
WARN if no NTP server is used.
WARN if stratum is >= 5.
WARN if „Leap Indicator“ is not „0(no warning)“
WARN if „Last Sync Error“ is not „0“
WARN or CRIT if „Time since Last Good Sync Time“ is above a given threshold.
Perfdata / Metrics
Name |
Type |
Description |
clock_rate |
Milliseconds |
leap_indicator |
Number |
Indicates whether an impending leap second is to be inserted or deleted in the last minute of the current day. |
phase_offset |
Milliseconds |
precision |
Number |
root_delay |
Milliseconds |
This is the total of the network path delays to the stratum-1 computer from which the computer is ultimately synchronized. In certain extreme situations, this value can be negative. (This can arise in a symmetric peer arrangement where the computers’ frequencies are not tracking each other and the network delay is very short relative to the turn-around time at each computer.) |
root_dispersion |
Milliseconds |
This is the total dispersion accumulated through all the computers back to the stratum-1 computer from which the computer is ultimately synchronized. Dispersion is due to system clock resolution, statistical measurement variations etc. |
stratum |
Number |
The stratum indicates how many hops away from a computer with an attached reference clock we are. Such a computer is a stratum-1 computer, so the computer in the example is two hops away (that is to say, a.b.c is a stratum-2 and is synchronized from a stratum-1). |
time_since_last_good_sync_time |
Seconds |
Credits, License
Authors: Linuxfabrik GmbH, Zurich
License: The Unlicense, see LICENSE file.