Check grassfish-players


The Grassfish Platform offers a unified way to manage Digital Signage touchpoints. This monitoring plugin shows you a list of Grassfish players whose data transfer status is overdue, whose last access date is more than --warning hours ago or who are unlicensed. The list of players can be filtered. You must provide both the Grassfish hostname and a Grassfish token for this check to work.

Tested with Grassfish v1.12.


  • May take more than 10 seconds to execute.

Fact Sheet

Check Plugin Download

Check Interval Recommendation

Once an hour

Can be called without parameters


Compiled for

Linux, Windows


usage: grassfish-players [-h] [-V] [--always-ok] [--api-version API_VERSION]
                         [--box-id BOX_ID]
                         [--box-state {activated,deleted,new,reserved,undefined}]
                         [--custom-id CUSTOM_ID] -H HOSTNAME [--insecure]
                         [--is-installed {yes,no}] [--is-licensed {yes,no}]
                         [--lengthy] [--no-proxy] [--port PORT] [--test TEST]
                         [--timeout TIMEOUT] --token TOKEN
                         [--transfer-status {complete,overdue,pending}]
                         [-w WARN] [-u URL]

This monitoring plugin shows you a list of Grassfish players whose data
transfer status is overdue, whose last access date is more than `--warning`
hours ago or who are unlicensed. The list of players can be filtered. You must
provide both the Grassfish hostname and a Grassfish token for this check to

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  --always-ok           Always returns OK.
  --api-version API_VERSION
                        Grassfish API Version. Default: 1.12
  --box-id BOX_ID       Filter by specific box IDs. Supports Python Regular
                        Expressions (regex).
  --box-state {activated,deleted,new,reserved,undefined}
                        Filter by specific box state. Repeating.
  --custom-id CUSTOM_ID
                        Filter by specific custom IDs. Supports Python Regular
                        Expressions (regex).
  -H HOSTNAME, --hostname HOSTNAME
                        Grassfish hostname. Default: None
  --insecure            This option explicitly allows to perform "insecure"
                        SSL connections. Default: False
  --is-installed {yes,no}
                        Filter by boxes that are installed (= "yes") or not (=
                        "no"). Repeating.
  --is-licensed {yes,no}
                        Filter by boxes that are licensed (= "yes") or not (=
                        "no"). Repeating.
  --lengthy             Extended reporting.
  --no-proxy            Do not use a proxy. Default: False
  --port PORT           Grassfish port. Default: 443
  --test TEST           For unit tests. Needs "path-to-stdout-file,path-to-
  --timeout TIMEOUT     Network timeout in seconds. Default: 8 (seconds)
  --token TOKEN         Grassfish API token
  --transfer-status {complete,overdue,pending}
                        Filter by specific data transfer status. Repeating.
  -w WARN, --warning WARN
                        Set the WARN threshold for Last Access in hours
                        (considers player is offline). Default: > 8 h
  -u URL, --url URL     Grassfish API URL. Default: /gv2/webservices/API

Usage Examples

./grassfish-players --token=TOKEN --box-id=gp11


There are 6 players with warnings: 2 unlicensed, 2 transfer overdue, 6 accessed > 10 hours ago. 6 players checked. Filter: --box-state=['activated']

Box ID    ! License Type            ! Name                 ! Box State ! Lic             ! Transfer          ! Last Access
GP111-111 ! Player                  ! Grassfish Player 111 ! Activated ! True            ! Complete          ! 2020-03-09 14:07:53 (2Y 12M ago) [WARNING]
GP112-112 ! DsPlayerAdvancedSaas    ! Grassfish Player 112 ! Activated ! True            ! Pending           ! 2020-03-09 14:07:53 (2Y 12M ago) [WARNING]
GP113-113 ! ColorDoorSignPlayerSaas ! Grassfish Player 113 ! Activated ! True            ! Overdue [WARNING] ! 2020-03-09 14:07:53 (2Y 12M ago) [WARNING]
GP114-114 ! ColorDoorSignPlayerSaas ! Grassfish Player 114 ! Activated ! True            ! Complete          ! 2020-03-09 14:07:53 (2Y 12M ago) [WARNING]
GP115-115 ! ColorDoorSignPlayerSaas ! Grassfish Player 115 ! Activated ! False [WARNING] ! Complete          ! 2020-03-09 14:07:53 (2Y 12M ago) [WARNING]
GP117-117 ! ColorDoorSignPlayerSaas ! Grassfish Player 117 ! Activated ! False [WARNING] ! Overdue [WARNING] ! 2020-03-09 14:07:53 (2Y 12M ago) [WARNING]


  • WARN if player is not licensed

  • WARN if player’s transfer status is „Overdue“

  • WARN if player’s last access timestamp is > --warning hours (which considers player is offline)

Perfdata / Metrics






Number of matching players found



Number of unlicensed players



Number of player with transfer status „Overdue“



Number of players with last access timestamp > --warning hours



grassfish_play_unlicensed + grassfish_play_transfer_overdue + grassfish_play_access_overdue

Credits, License