Check fortios-version


This plugin lets you track if FortiOS is End-of-Life (EOL). To compare against the current/installed version of FortiOS, the check has to fetch the REST API of the FortiOS appliance.

This check plugin alerts n days before or after the EOL date is reached. Optionally, it can also alert on available major, minor or patch releases (each independently).

Fact Sheet

Check Plugin Download

Check Interval Recommendation

Once a day

Can be called without parameters


Compiled for

Linux, Windows

Uses SQLite DBs



usage: fortios-version [-h] [-V] [--always-ok] [--check-major] [--check-minor]
                       [--check-patch] -H HOSTNAME [--insecure] [--no-proxy]
                       [--offset-eol OFFSET_EOL] --password PASSWORD
                       [--timeout TIMEOUT]

Tracks if FortiOS is EOL.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  --always-ok           Always returns OK.
  --check-major         Alert me when there is a new major release available,
                        even if the current version of my product is not EOL.
                        Example: Notify when I run v26 (not yet EOL) and v27
                        is available. Default: False
  --check-minor         Alert me when there is a new major.minor release
                        available, even if the current version of my product
                        is not EOL. Example: Notify when I run v26.2 (not yet
                        EOL) and v26.3 is available. Default: False
  --check-patch         Alert me when there is a new major.minor.patch release
                        available, even if the current version of my product
                        is not EOL. Example: Notify when I run v26.2.7 (not
                        yet EOL) and v26.2.8 is available. Default: False
  -H, --hostname HOSTNAME
                        FortiOS-based Appliance address, optional including
                        port ("").
  --insecure            This option explicitly allows to perform "insecure"
                        SSL connections. Default: False
  --no-proxy            Do not use a proxy. Default: False
  --offset-eol OFFSET_EOL
                        Alert me n days before ("-30") or after an EOL date
                        ("30" or "+30"). Default: -30 days
  --password PASSWORD   FortiOS REST API Single Access Token.
  --timeout TIMEOUT     Network timeout in seconds. Default: 3 (seconds)

Usage Examples

./fortios-version --hostname --password mypass


FortiOS v6.0.1 (EOL 2022-09-29 -30d [WARNING])


  • WARN if software is EOL

  • Optional: WARN when new major version is available

  • Optional: WARN when new minor version is available

  • Optional: WARN when new patch version is available

Perfdata / Metrics






Installed FortiOS version as float. „6.0.1“ becomes „6.01“.

Credits, License