Check ipmi-sensor


The check calls ipmitool sensor list to fetch detailed sensor information. Running this check just makes sense against or on hardware using an IPMI interface. Needs sudo.

Tested on:

  • Supermicro BMC

  • HPE iLO

Known Issues and Limitations:

  • Discrete sensors support is not implemented.

Fact Sheet

Check Plugin Download

Check Interval Recommendation

Every 15 minutes

Can be called without parameters


Compiled for



command-line tool ipmitool


usage: ipmi-sensor [-h] [-V] [--authtype {NONE,PASSWORD,MD2,MD5,OEM}]
                   [-H HOSTNAME] [--interface {lan,lanplus}]
                   [--password PASSWORD] [--port PORT]
                   [--privlevel {CALLBACK,USER,OPERATOR,ADMINISTRATOR}]
                   [--test TEST] [--username USERNAME]

Checks IPMI sensor information in detail.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  --authtype {NONE,PASSWORD,MD2,MD5,OEM}
                        Specify an authentication type to use during IPMIv1.5
                        lan session activation. Supported types are NONE,
                        PASSWORD, MD2, MD5, or OEM.
  -H HOSTNAME, --hostname HOSTNAME
                        Remote server address, can be IP address or hostname.
                        This option is required for lan and lanplus
  --interface {lan,lanplus}
                        Selects IPMI interface to use. Supported types are
                        "lan" (= IPMI v1.5) or "lanplus" (= IPMI v2.0).
  --password PASSWORD   Remote server password.
  --port PORT           Remote server UDP port to connect to. Default: 623
                        Force session privilege level. Can be CALLBACK, USER,
                        OPERATOR, ADMINISTRATOR. Default: USER
  --test TEST           For unit tests. Needs "path-to-stdout-file,path-to-
  --username USERNAME   Remote server username, default is NULL user.

Usage Examples

./ipmi-sensor --privlevel USER --interface lanplus --hostname --username 'user' --password 'pa$$word'


Checked 60 sensors, all are ok.


  • CRIT, if sensor value is non-recoverable (very worse).

  • CRIT, if sensor value is above/below critical threshold given by IPMI.

  • WARN, if sensor value is above/below IPMI non-critical threshold.

  • UNKNOWN on ipmitool not found or errors running ipmitool.

Perfdata / Metrics

Depends on your hardware - as an example:

  • 1.05V_PCH

  • 1.2V_BMC

  • 1.5V_PCH

  • 12V

  • 3.3VCC

  • 3.3VSB

  • 5VCC

  • 5VSB

  • CPU_Temp

  • DIMMA1_Temp

  • DIMMA2_Temp

  • DIMMB1_Temp

  • DIMMB2_Temp

  • DIMMC1_Temp

  • DIMMC2_Temp

  • DIMMD1_Temp

  • DIMMD2_Temp

  • FAN1

  • FAN2

  • FAN3

  • FAN4

  • PCH_Temp

  • Peripheral_Temp

  • System_Temp

  • VBAT

  • Vcpu

  • VcpuVRM_Temp



  • VmemABVRM_Temp

  • VmemCDVRM_Temp

Credits, License