Check rpm-lastactivity
Checks the timespan since the last package manager activity, for example due to a yum/dnf install/update.
Fact Sheet
Check Plugin Download | |
Check Interval Recommendation |
Once a day |
Can be called without parameters |
Yes |
Compiled for |
Linux |
usage: rpm-lastactivity [-h] [-V] [-c CRIT] [-w WARN]
Checks the timespan since the last package manager activity, for example due
to a yum/dnf install/update.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
-c, --critical CRIT Set the critical threshold (in days). Default: 365
-w, --warning WARN Set the warning threshold (in days). Default: 90
Usage Examples
./rpm-lastactivity --warning 90 --critical 365
Last package manager activity is 5M 2W ago [WARNING] (thresholds 90D/365D).
WARN or CRIT if last activity is above a given threshold.
Perfdata / Metrics
There is no perfdata.
Credits, License
Authors: Linuxfabrik GmbH, Zurich
License: The Unlicense, see LICENSE file.