Check qts-version


This plugin lets you track if a QTS update is available. To check for updates, this plugin requests the in-built update check of the appliance.

Hints and Recommendations:

  • Tested on QuTScloud v4.5.6+

  • Does not work on QTS 4.3 or less (see #701 for details).

  • The user used for monitoring must be a member of the „administrators“ group. It is not sufficient to be a member of the „everyone“ group.

Fact Sheet

Check Plugin Download

Check Interval Recommendation

Once a day

Can be called without parameters


Compiled for

Linux, Windows


usage: qts-version [-h] [-V] [--always-ok] [--insecure] [--no-proxy]
                   --password PASSWORD [--timeout TIMEOUT] --url URL
                   [--username USERNAME]

This plugin lets you track if server updates are available.

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -V, --version        show program's version number and exit
  --always-ok          Always returns OK.
  --insecure           This option explicitly allows to perform "insecure" SSL
                       connections. Default: False
  --no-proxy           Do not use a proxy. Default: False
  --password PASSWORD  QTS Password.
  --timeout TIMEOUT    Network timeout in seconds. Default: 6 (seconds)
  --url URL            QTS-based Appliance URL, for example
  --username USERNAME  QTS User. Default: admin

Usage Examples

./qts-version --url http://qts:8080 --username admin --password linuxfabrik --insecure


QTS vc5.0.1.2374 Build 20230419 installed, QTS vc5.1.0.2498 Build 20230822 available


  • If wanted, always returns OK,

  • else returns WARN if update is available.

Perfdata / Metrics

There is no perfdata.

Credits, License