Ansible Role files

This role manages file system entities such as files, directories and symlinks.

Optional Requirements

  • It is recommeded to set inventory_ignore_patterns = '(host|group)_files' in your ansible.cfg on the Ansible Controller to ignore files in inventory_dir/host_files.



What it does


Manages files, directories and symlinks.

Optional Role Variables



Default Value

files__directories__host_var /

List of dictionaries containing the directories to manage. Subkeys:

  • path: Mandatory, string. Path to the directory.
  • state: Optional, string. State of the directory, one of present, absent. Defaults to present. Note: both operations are recursive.
  • mode: Optional, string. Mode (permissions) of the directory. Defaults to 0o755.
  • owner: Optional, string. Owner of the directory. Defaults to root.
  • group: Optional, string. Group of the directory. Defaults to root.


files__files__host_var /

List of dictionaries containing the files to manage. Subkeys:

  • path: Mandatory, string. Path to the file.
  • content: Optional, string. Content of the file. If unset, the role copies the file from inventory_dir ~ "/host_files/" ~ inventory_hostname ~ "/" ~ item["path"].
  • state: Optional, string. State of the file, one of present, absent. Defaults to present.
  • mode: Optional, string. Mode (permissions) of the file. Defaults to 0o644.
  • owner: Optional, string. Owner of the file. Defaults to root.
  • group: Optional, string. Group of the file. Defaults to root.
  • template: Optional, boolean. Whether to process file as Jinja template. Note: only works if content is unset. Defaults to false.


files__symlinks__host_var /

List of dictionaries the symlinks to manage. Subkeys:

  • src: Mandatory, string. Path to source of the symlink.
  • dest: Mandatory, string. Path to dest of the symlink.
  • state: Optional, string. State of the symlink, one of present, absent. Defaults to present.
  • mode: Optional, string. Mode (permissions) of the directory. Defaults to 0o644.
  • owner: Optional, string. Owner of the directory. Defaults to root.
  • group: Optional, string. Group of the directory. Defaults to root.



# optional
  - path: '/data/a'
  - path: '/data/b'
    mode: 0o770
  - path: '/data/b/c'
    owner: 'apache'
  - path: '/data/file1'
    # just use `|` so that there is a newline at the end of the file
    content: |
      echo "a script with
      multiple lines"
    mode: 0o755
  - path: '/data/file2' # content will be taken from `inventory_dir/host_files/inventory_hostname/data/file3`
  - path: '/data/file3'
    state: 'absent'
  - path: '/etc/hosts'
    content: '{{ lookup("ansible.builtin.file", inventory_dir ~ "/group_files/all/etc/hosts") }}'
    mode: 0o644
    owner: 'root'
    group: 'root'
  - src: '/data/file1'
    dest: '/data/file1_link'


The Unlicense

Author Information

Linuxfabrik GmbH, Zurich