Ansible Role graylog_server

This role installs and configures a Graylog server. Optionally, it allows the creation of a cluster setup.

Currently supported versions:

  • 5.0

You can choose between opensearch (default) and elasticsearch for the searchengine. If you choose to use opensearch, Graylog Server 4.3+ is required.

Additionally this role creates default „System Inputs“ and a Linuxfabrik default „index set“.

Note that this role does NOT let you specify a particular Graylog Server version. It simply installs the latest available Graylog Server version from the repos configured in the system. If you want or need to install a specific Graylog Server version, use the linuxfabrik.lfops.repo_graylog_server beforehand.

Mandatory Requirements

Sizing of disks:

  • /: at least 4 GB free disk space (create a 8+ GB partition).

  • /var: at least 15 GB free disk space (create a 20+ GB partition).

If you use the „Setup Graylog Server“ Playbook, the following is automatically done for you:



What it does


Installs and configures Graylog Server


Deploys the config files, manages the CA keystore, creates the system inputs and a default index set


Manages the state of the Graylog Server service

Mandatory Role Variables




The main user account for the graylog administrator. Subkeys:

  • username: Mandatory, string. Username
  • password: Mandatory, string. Password
  • email: Optional, string. Email. Defaults to ''.


You MUST set a secret that is used for password encryption and salting. The server refuses to start if this value is not set. The minimum length for password_secret is 16 characters. Use at least 64 characters. If you run multiple graylog-server nodes, make sure you use the same password_secret for all of them.


# mandatory
  username: 'graylog-admin'
  password: 'linuxfabrik'
  email: ''
graylog_server__password_secret: 'linuxfabrik'

Optional Role Variables



Default Value

graylog_server__cacerts_imports__host_var /

List of dictionaries. CA certificates that should be imported into the Graylog keystore. Subkeys:

  • name: Mandatory, string. Name / alias for the certificate.
  • file: Mandatory, string. Path to the certificate file.
  • state: Optional, string. State of the certificate. Either present or absent.



List of Elasticsearch hosts URLs Graylog should connect to.



The network interface used by the Graylog HTTP interface.



The port used by the Graylog HTTP interface.



MongoDB connection string. See for details.



The Java options like heapsize used by Graylog.

'-Xms1g -Xmx1g -server -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow'


A list of available plugins which can be installed additionally. Possible options:

  • graylog-enterprise-plugins
  • graylog-integrations-plugins
  • graylog-enterprise-integrations-plugins



Enables or disables the Systemd unit.



Time in milliseconds after which a detected stale leader node is being rechecked on startup. Try increasing this if NO_LEADER: There was no leader Graylog server node detected in the cluster appear in the System Messages.



Creates a default index set. Subkeys:

  • can_be_default: Mandatory, boolean. Whether this index set can be default.
  • creation_date: Mandatory, date. Date in iso8601 format.
  • description: Mandatory, string. Description of index set.
  • field_type_refresh_interval: Mandatory, integer. Refresh interval in milliseconds.
  • index_analyzer: Mandatory, string. Elasticsearch/Opensearch analyzer for this index set.
  • index_optimization_max_num_segments: Mandatory, integer. Maximum number of segments per Elasticsearch/Opensearch index after optimization (force merge).
  • index_optimization_disabled: Mandatory, boolean. Whether Elasticsearch/Opensearch index optimization (force merge) after rotation is disabled.
  • index_prefix: Mandatory, string. A unique prefix used in Elasticsearch/Opensearch indices belonging to this index set. The prefix must start with a letter or number, and can only contain letters, numbers, _, - and +.
  • replicas: Mandatory, integer. Number of Elasticsearch/Opensearch replicas used per index in this index set.
  • retention_strategy_class: Mandatory, string. Retention strategy class to clean up old indices.
  • retention_strategy
    • max_number_of_indices: Mandatory, integer. Maximum number of indices to keep before retention strategy gets triggered.
    • type: Mandatory, string. Retention strategy type to clean up old indices.
  • rotation_strategy_class: Mandatory, string. Graylog uses multiple indices to store documents in. You can configure the strategy it uses to determine when to rotate the currently active write index.
  • rotation_strategy
    • rotation_period: Mandatory, string. How long an index gets written to before it is rotated. (i.e. „P1D“ for 1 day, „PT6H“ for 6 hours).
    • rotate_empty_index_set: Mandatory, boolean. Apply the rotation strategy even when the index set is empty (not recommended).
    • type: Mandatory, string. The type of the Rotation Strategy.
  • shards: Mandatory, integer. Number of Elasticsearch/Opensearch shards used per index in this index set.
  • title: Mandatory, string. Descriptive name of the index set.
  • writable: Mandatory, boolean. Whether this Index Set is writable.

One index per day; 365 indices max


Creates system inputs. Subkeys:

  • configuration: Mandatory, dictionay. Specific configuration of corresponding input. Please refer to above API documentation.
  • global: Mandatory, boolean. Whether this input should start on all nodes.
  • title: Mandatory, string. The title for this input.
  • type: Mandatory, string. The type of the input.

Gelf (12201/TCP), Gelf (12201/UDP), Syslog (1514/UDP)


The time zone setting of the root user. See for a list of valid time zones.



# optional
  - name: 'central-ca'
    file: '/etc/pki/tls/certs/central-ca-chain.crt'
    state: 'preset'
  - name: 'opensearch-root-ca'
    state: 'absent'
  - ''
  - ''
  - ''
graylog_server__http_bind_address: ''
graylog_server__http_bind_port: 8080
graylog_server__mongodb_uri: 'mongodb://,,'
graylog_server__opts: '-Xms2g -Xmx2g -server -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow'
  - 'graylog-enterprise-plugins'
  - 'graylog-integrations-plugins'
  - 'graylog-enterprise-integrations-plugins'
graylog_server__service_enabled: false
graylog_server__stale_leader_timeout_ms: 10000
  can_be_default: true
  creation_date: '{{ ansible_date_time.iso8601 }}'
  description: 'One index per day; 365 indices max'
  field_type_refresh_interval: 5000
  index_analyzer: 'standard'
  index_optimization_max_num_segments: 1
  index_optimization_disabled: false
  index_prefix: 'lfops-default'
  replicas: 0
  retention_strategy_class: 'org.graylog2.indexer.retention.strategies.DeletionRetentionStrategy'
    max_number_of_indices: 365
    type: 'org.graylog2.indexer.retention.strategies.DeletionRetentionStrategyConfig'
  rotation_strategy_class: 'org.graylog2.indexer.rotation.strategies.TimeBasedRotationStrategy'
    rotation_period: 'P1D'
    rotate_empty_index_set: false
    type: 'org.graylog2.indexer.rotation.strategies.TimeBasedRotationStrategyConfig'
  shards: 4
  title: 'Linuxfabrik Index Set'
  writable: true
  - configuration:
      bind_address: ''
      decompress_size_limit: 8388608
      max_message_size: 2097152
      number_worker_threads: 2
      override_source: ''
      port: 12201
      recv_buffer_size: 1048576
      tcp_keepalive: true
      tls_cert_file: ''
      tls_client_auth: 'disabled'
      tls_client_auth_cert_file: ''
      tls_enable: false
      tls_key_file: ''
      tls_key_password: ''
      use_null_delimiter: true
    global: true
    title: 'Gelf (12201/TCP)'
    type: 'org.graylog2.inputs.gelf.tcp.GELFTCPInput'
  - configuration:
      bind_address: ''
      decompress_size_limit: 8388608
      number_worker_threads: 2
      override_source: ''
      port: 12201
      recv_buffer_size: 1048576
    global: true
    title: 'Gelf (12201/UDP)'
    type: 'org.graylog2.inputs.gelf.udp.GELFUDPInput'
  - configuration:
      allow_override_date: true
      bind_address: ''
      decompress_size_limit: 8388608
      expand_structured_data: false
      force_rdns: false
      number_worker_threads: 2
      override_source: ''
      port: 1514
      recv_buffer_size: 1048576
      store_full_message: false
    global: true
    title: 'Syslog (1514/UDP)'
    type: 'org.graylog2.inputs.syslog.udp.SyslogUDPInput'
graylog_server__timezone: 'Europe/Zurich'

Multi-node Setup

To use a multi-node setup, you should specify a leader (see graylog_server__is_leader below) and make sure all the Graylog server can reach each other (by setting graylog_server__http_bind_address accordingly). It is also recommended to use a Elasticsearch / Opensearch and MongoDB cluster in combination with multi-node Graylog. This can be done by adjusting graylog_server__elasticsearch_hosts and graylog_server__mongodb_uri.



Default Value


This should be set to true for a single node in the cluster. The leader will perform some periodical tasks that non-leaders won’t perform.



# multi-node setup
graylog_server__is_leader: false


/bin/sh: /opt/python-venv/pymongo/bin/python3: No such file or directory

You either have to run the whole playbook, or python_venv directly: ansible-playbook --inventory myinv linuxfabrik.lfops.setup_graylog_server --tags python_venv


The Unlicense

Author Information

Linuxfabrik GmbH, Zurich