Check mysql-database-metrics


Checks index sizes and consistent engine and collation use in MySQL/MariaDB schemas. Logic is taken from MySQLTuner script.

User account requires:

  • Access to INFORMATION_SCHEMA (user with no privileges is sufficient).

  • SELECT privileges on all schemas and tables to provide accurate results.


Fact Sheet

Check Plugin Download

Check Interval Recommendation

Once a day

Can be called without parameters


Compiled for

Linux, Windows

3rd Party Python modules



usage: mysql-database-metrics [-h] [-V] [--always-ok]
                              [--defaults-file DEFAULTS_FILE]
                              [--defaults-group DEFAULTS_GROUP]
                              [--timeout TIMEOUT]

Checks index sizes and consistent engine and collation use in MySQL/MariaDB

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  --always-ok           Always returns OK.
  --defaults-file DEFAULTS_FILE
                        Specifies a cnf file to read parameters like user,
                        host and password from (instead of specifying them on
                        the command line), for example
                        `/var/spool/icinga2/.my.cnf`. Default:
  --defaults-group DEFAULTS_GROUP
                        Group/section to read from in the cnf file. Default:
  --timeout TIMEOUT     Network timeout in seconds. Default: 3 (seconds)

Usage Examples

./mysql-database-metrics --defaults-file=/var/spool/icinga2/.my.cnf


There are warnings.

* Index size is larger than data size: xca (11.4MiB / 5.4MiB)
* Multi storage engines (use one storage engine for all tables): appldb (2x)
* Multi collations (use one collation for all tables): accounting (2x), piwik (2x), wordpress-www (2x)
* Multi table engines (use one engine for all tables): appldb (2x)
* Multi charsets for text-like cols (use one charset for all cols if possible): accounting (2x), piwik (2x), django-mvc (2x), wordpress-www (2x), django-mvc-devel (2x)
* Multi collations for text-like cols (use one charset for all cols if possible): accounting (3), piwik (2x), django-mvc (2x), wordpress-www (2x), django-mvc-devel (2x)


  • WARN if the index size is larger than the data size (if at least one of them is larger than 10 MB)

  • WARN if more than one storage engine is used

  • WARN if more than one collation is used

  • WARN if more than one table engine is used

  • WARN if more than one charsets for text-like col is used

  • WARN if more than one collations for text-like col is used

Perfdata / Metrics

There is no perfdata.

Credits, License