Check network-io


Checks the network throughput over a period of time. The check tracks the maximum throughput and warns if the throughput over the last n readings is above a certain percentage (by default 80/90% over the last 5 readings). This works similar to Load5, but at the network I/O level.

Network I/O always starts with 10 MiB/sec, but stores the highest measured throughput (rx + tx), so it adjusts the rxtx-max/s value accordingly. For this reason, this check takes some time to warm up its (cached) readings: The check will throw some warnings and criticals during the first major network activity above 10Mib/sec until the maximum throughput of the network has been determined.

Example: The result of ./network-io --count 5 --warning 80 --critical 90 could look like this:

wlp0s20f3: 28.1MiB/s rx, 5.6KiB/s tx (current)

Interface ! rxtx-max/s ! rx1/s   ! tx1/s  ! rx5/s    ! tx5/s  ! rxtx5/s
tun0      ! 10.0MiB    ! 0.0B    ! 0.0B   ! 2.8B     ! 7.8B   ! 10.6B
tun2      ! 10.0MiB    ! 183.0B  ! 106.0B ! 2.9B     ! 7.9B   ! 10.8B
wlp0s20f3 ! 30.0MiB    ! 28.1MiB ! 5.6KiB ! 25.1 MiB ! 2.9KiB ! 25.1MiB [WARNING]

The first line always shows the interface with the currently highest throughput (here wlp0s20f3).

The table columns mean:

  • rxtx-max: Here, a maximum throughput of 30.0 MiB/sec was determined.

  • rx1, tx1: The current throughput is 28.1 MiB/sec (receive) and 5.6 KiB/sec (transmit).

  • rx5, tx5: The throughput from now to 5 measured values in the past is 25.1 MiB/sec (receive) and 2.9 KiB/sec (transmit).

  • rxtx5: Compared to the current values, there was a higher throughput for a while. Since a maximum of 30.0 MB/sec throughput has been measured for this network so far, a mean throughput (rxtx5) value of 25.1 MB/sec results in a warning (25.1 MB/sec >= 30.0 MB/sec * 80%). The current value of 28.1 MiB/sec doesn’t matter, this is only a peak. The check alerts because there is unusual high network I/O over a certain amount of time.


  • --count=5 (the default) while checking every minute means that the check reports a warning if any of your interfaces were above a threshold in the last 5 minutes.

  • The check uses the SQLite databases $TEMP/linuxfabrik-monitoring-plugins-network-io.db to store its historical data.

Fact Sheet

Check Plugin Download

Check Interval Recommendation

Once a minute

Can be called without parameters


Compiled for

Linux, Windows

3rd Party Python modules


Handles Periods


Uses SQLite DBs



usage: network-io [-h] [-V] [--always-ok] [--count COUNT] [--critical CRIT]
                  [--ignore IGNORE] [--warning WARN]

Checks network IO.

  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  -V, --version    show program's version number and exit
  --always-ok      Always returns OK.
  --count COUNT    Number of times the value must exceed specified thresholds
                   before alerting. Default: 5
  --critical CRIT  Set the CRIT threshold for network I/O rx/tx rate over the
                   entire period as a percentage of the maximum network I/O
                   rate. Default: >= 90
  --ignore IGNORE  Ignore network interfaces starting with a string like "tun"
                   (repeating). Default: ['lo']
  --warning WARN   Set the CRIT threshold for network I/O rx/tx rate over the
                   entire period as a percentage of the maximum network I/O
                   rate. Default: >= 80

Usage Examples

./network-io --ignore lo --warning 80 --critical 90 --count 5


wlp0s20f3: 28.1MiB/s rx, 5.6KiB/s tx (current)

Interface ! rxtx-max/s ! rx1/s   ! tx1/s  ! rx5/s    ! tx5/s  ! rxtx5/s
tun0      ! 10.0MiB    ! 0.0B    ! 0.0B   ! 2.8B     ! 7.8B   ! 10.6B
tun2      ! 10.0MiB    ! 183.0B  ! 106.0B ! 2.9B     ! 7.9B   ! 10.8B
wlp0s20f3 ! 30.0MiB    ! 28.1MiB ! 5.6KiB ! 25.1 MiB ! 2.9KiB ! 25.1MiB [WARNING]


  • WARN or CRIT if the throughput over the last n measured values is above a certain percentage, compared to the all time maximum throughput of this interface.

Perfdata / Metrics

Per network:





Continous Counter

Number of bytes received.



Current number of bytes received.



Current number of bytes received.


Continous Counter

Number of bytes sent.



Current number of bytes sent.



Current number of bytes sent.


Continous Counter

Total number of incoming packets which were dropped.


Continous Counter

Total number of outgoing packets which were dropped (always 0 on macOS and BSD).


Continous Counter

Total number of errors while receiving.


Continous Counter

Total number of errors while sending.


Continous Counter

Number of packets received.


Continous Counter

Number of packets sent.



Bytes per second. bytes_recv_per_second1 + bytes_sent_per_second1.



Bytes per second. bytes_recv_per_second15 + bytes_sent_per_second15.

Credits, License