Check service
Verifies that a set of Windows services, specified by name and specific startup types, are in specific states (such as „running“) - in other words, this plugin checks the number of services in specific service states against thresholds.
You have to provide the case-insensitive Windows „Service Name“, not the „Display Name“. Supports Python regular expressions, so you are able to check multiple Windows services on a host with almost the same name, for example.
Display Name: „Diagnostic Policy Service“
Service Name:
(provide this)
For use in Icinga Director: If the service name contains a
, this dollar sign must be escaped with another dollar sign. Since the plugin is capable of regular expressions, this character must also be escaped with a backslash. So if you want to checkmy$service
, you have to specifymy\$$service
.On the Windows command line: If you want to check
, you have to specifymy\$service
.On the Windows command line: Only use double quotes to provide regexes to
; if running unit tests on Linux, use single quotes instead.
Fact Sheet
Check Plugin Download | |
Check Interval Recommendation |
Once a minute |
Can be called without parameters |
No |
Compiled for |
Windows |
3rd Party Python modules |
usage: service [-h] [-V] [--always-ok] [-c CRIT] --service SERVICE
[--starttype {automatic,disabled,manual}]
[--status {continue_pending,pause_pending,paused,running,start_pending,stop_pending,stopped}]
[--test TEST] [-w WARN]
Checks the state of one or more Windows services. You have to provide the
case-insensitive "Service Name", not the "Display Name". Supports Python
regular expressions, so you are able to check multiple Windows services on a
host with almost the same name, for example.
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
--always-ok Always returns OK.
-c, --critical CRIT Set the CRIT threshold. Accepts ranges. Default:
--service SERVICE Name of the service(s). Supports Python Regular
Expressions (regex).
--starttype {automatic,disabled,manual}
Filter for service start type. Default: automatic
--status {continue_pending,pause_pending,paused,running,start_pending,stop_pending,stopped}
At least one expected service status (repeating).
Default: running
--test TEST For unit tests. Needs "path-to-stdout-file,path-to-
-w, --warning WARN Set the WARN threshold. Accepts ranges. Default: "1:"
Usage Examples
Check that exactly one service named „BFE“ (exact match) is running, otherwise WARN:
service --service="^bfe$" --status=running --warning=1:1
Everything is ok. 1 service named r`^bfe$` and start type ['automatic'] found, 1 in status ['running'] (thresholds 1:1/None).
Display Name ! Service Name ! Status ! Startup
Base Filtering Engine ! BFE ! running ! automatic
Check that there are at least 10 but not more than 20 Windows Services named „myapp followed by a 4-digit serial number“ meet the status „running“:
service --service="^myapp[0-9]{4}$" --starttype=automatic --status=running --warning=10:19
2 services named r`^myapp[0-9]{4}$` and start type ['automatic'] found, 2 in status ['running'] (thresholds 10:19/None) [WARNING].
Display Name ! Service Name ! Status ! Startup
myapp0815 ! myapp0815 ! running ! automatic
myapp4711 ! myapp4711 ! running ! automatic
Check that ALL services with startup type „automatic“ are running, except for a few that are known for a delayed or triggered start (we’ll filter these by name). In other words: First get all the services, filter out a few with a negative lookahead, and set the alert threshold to alert if at least one of the remaining services is NOT running:
service --service="^(?!DPS|MSDTC|MapsBroker|UsoSvc|Dnscache|gpsvc$).*$" --starttype=automatic --status=continue_pending --status=pause_pending --status=paused --status=start_pending --status=stop_pending --status=stopped --warning 0
Output (shortened):
45 services named r`^(?!DPS!MSDTC!MapsBroker!UsoSvc!Dnscache!gpsvc$).*$` and start type ['automatic'] found, 2 in status ['continue_pending', 'pause_pending', 'paused', 'start_pending', 'stop_pending', 'stopped'] (thresholds 0/None) [WARNING].
Display Name ! Service Name ! Status ! Startup
DCOM Server Process Launcher ! DcomLaunch ! running ! automatic
User Profile Service ! ProfSvc ! running ! automatic
Remote Registry ! RemoteRegistry ! stopped ! automatic
RPC Endpoint Mapper ! RpcEptMapper ! running ! automatic
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) ! RpcSs ! running ! automatic
Print Spooler ! Spooler ! running ! automatic
Software Protection ! sppsvc ! stopped ! automatic
OpenSSH SSH Server ! sshd ! running ! automatic
SysMain ! SysMain ! running ! automatic
WARN or CRIT if the number of services found does not match the specified ranges.
Perfdata / Metrics
There is no perfdata.
Credits, License
Authors: Linuxfabrik GmbH, Zurich
License: The Unlicense, see LICENSE file.