Check restic-stats

restic-stats walks multiple snapshots in a repository and accumulates statistics about the data stored therein. It reports on the number of unique files and their sizes, according to one of the counting modes as given by the --mode flag.

It operates on all snapshots matching the selection criteria or all snapshots if nothing is specified.

Some modes make more sense over just a single snapshot, while others are useful across all snapshots, depending on what you are trying to calculate. The modes are:

  • blobs-per-file: A combination of files-by-contents and raw-data.

  • files-by-contents: Counts total size of files, where a file is considered unique if it has unique contents.

  • raw-data: Counts the size of blobs in the repository, regardless of how many files reference them.

  • restore-size: Counts the size of the restored files. (default)

Refer to the online manual for more details about restic.

Fact Sheet

Check Plugin Download

Check Interval Recommendation

Once a day

Can be called without parameters


Compiled for

Linux, Windows


usage: restic-stats [-h] [-V] [--host HOST]
                    [--mode {restore-size,files-by-contents,blobs-per-file,raw-data}]
                    [--password-file PASSWORD_FILE] [--path PATH] --repo REPO
                    [--tag TAG] [--test TEST]

Walk multiple snapshots in a repository and accumulate statistics about the
data stored therein. It reports on the number of unique files and their sizes,
according to one of the counting modes as given by the --mode flag.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  --host HOST           Only consider snapshots for this host (can be
                        specified multiple times).
  --mode {restore-size,files-by-contents,blobs-per-file,raw-data}
                        Counting mode. Default: restore-size
  --password-file PASSWORD_FILE
                        File to read the repository password from
  --path PATH           Only consider snapshots for this path (can be
                        specified multiple times).
  --repo REPO           Repository location
  --tag TAG             Only consider snapshots which include this taglist in
                        the format `tag[,tag,...]` (can be specified multiple
  --test TEST           For unit tests. Needs "path-to-stdout-file,path-to-

Usage Examples

Stats about snapshots for host

./restic-stats --repo=/path/to/restic-repo --password-file=/path/to/restic-pwd


242.0 files, 433.7KiB size (total stats in restore-size mode over all snapshots)


  • Always returns OK.

Perfdata / Metrics






Number of unique files, according to one of the counting modes as given by the --mode flag



Size of unique files, according to one of the counting modes as given by the --mode flag

Credits, License