Check logfile


Scans a logfile for set of pattern or regex and alerts on the number of findings.

Use --warning-pattern or --warning-regex to limit which lines will be considered a warning. Then use -warning to set the number of matches that will actually trigger a warning.

The same applies to the critical counterparts.

  • The pattern arguments are compared using the python in operator. This is more efficient than using a regex in most cases.

  • The regex arguments are compared using python regex.

With this check, you can acknowledge the warning in IcingaWeb, so that the check changes back to OK. To enable the check plugin to get the ACK status from Icinga and therefore automatically switch to OK, you have to create an Icinga API User like so:

object ApiUser "linuxfabrik-check-logfile" {
  password = "mysupersecretpassword"
  permissions = [
    permission = "objects/query/service"
    # filter = {{ regex("^linuxfabrik-check-logfile", service.vars.logfile_windows_icinga_username ) }}

If no --icinga-callback is used, the check alerts for --alarm-duration.

For more complex use cases, consider using a logging server like graylog.

Fact Sheet

Check Plugin Download

Check Interval Recommendation

Once a minute

Can be called without parameters


Compiled for

Linux, Windows

Uses SQLite DBs



usage: logfile [-h] [-V] [--alarm-duration ALARM_DURATION] [--always-ok]
               [-c CRIT] [--critical-pattern CRIT_PATTERN]
               [--critical-regex CRIT_REGEX] --filename FILENAME
               [--icinga-callback] [--icinga-password ICINGA_PASSWORD]
               [--icinga-service-name ICINGA_SERVICE_NAME]
               [--icinga-url ICINGA_URL] [--icinga-username ICINGA_USERNAME]
               [--ignore-pattern IGNORE_PATTERN] [--ignore-regex IGNORE_REGEX]
               [--insecure] [--no-proxy] [--suppress-lines]
               [--timeout TIMEOUT] [-w WARN] [--warning-pattern WARN_PATTERN]
               [--warning-regex WARN_REGEX]

Scans a logfile for a set of patterns or regex and alerts on the number of

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  --alarm-duration ALARM_DURATION
                        How long should this check return an alert on new
                        matches (in minutes)? This is overwritten by --icinga-
                        callback. Default: 60
  --always-ok           Always returns OK.
  -c, --critical CRIT   Set the critical threshold for the number of found
                        critical matches. Default: 1
  --critical-pattern CRIT_PATTERN
                        Any line containing this pattern will count as a
  --critical-regex CRIT_REGEX
                        Any line matching this Python regex will count as a
  --filename FILENAME   Set the path to the logfile.
  --icinga-callback     Get the service acknowledgement from Icinga. This
                        overwrites `--alarm-duration`. Default: False
  --icinga-password ICINGA_PASSWORD
                        Icinga API password.
  --icinga-service-name ICINGA_SERVICE_NAME
                        Unique name of the service using this check within
                        Icinga. Take it from the `__name` service attribute,
                        for example `icinga-server!my-service-name`.
  --icinga-url ICINGA_URL
                        Icinga API URL, for example https://icinga-
  --icinga-username ICINGA_USERNAME
                        Icinga API username.
  --ignore-pattern IGNORE_PATTERN
                        Any line containing this pattern will be ignored.
  --ignore-regex IGNORE_REGEX
                        Any line matching this Python regex will be ignored.
  --insecure            This option explicitly allows to perform "insecure"
                        SSL connections. Default: True
  --no-proxy            Do not use a proxy. Default: False
  --suppress-lines      Suppress the found lines in the output, only report
                        the number of findings.
  --timeout TIMEOUT     Network timeout in seconds. Default: 5 (seconds)
  -w, --warning WARN    Set the warning threshold for the number of found
                        warning matches. Default: 1
  --warning-pattern WARN_PATTERN
                        Any line containing this pattern will count as a
  --warning-regex WARN_REGEX
                        Any line matching this Python regex will count as a

Usage Examples

cat > /tmp/test-logfile << 'EOF'

./logfile --filename=/tmp/test-logfile --critical-pattern='error' --warning-pattern='warn'


Scanned 8 lines, 1 warning match, 2 critical matches

Warning matches:
* warning

Critical matches:
* error1
* error2|'scanned_lines'=8;;;; 'warn_matches'=1;1;;; 'crit_matches'=2;1;;;


  • WARN if any line matches warning patterns/regexes and the number of lines exceed the warning threshold.

  • CRIT if any line matches critical patterns/regexes and the number of lines exceed the critical threshold.

Perfdata / Metrics

  • scanned_lines: Total number of lines scanned in this run.

  • warn_matches: Number of warning matches found in those lines.

  • crit_matches: Number of critical matches found in those lines.

Credits, License