Ansible Role redis
This role installs and configures Redis, per default listening on TCP Note that this role configures Systemd with unit file overrides for Redis.
This role is compatible with Redis v6+.
You can pre-enable Remi’s repo with the linuxfabrik.lfops.repo_remi role to get an up-to-date Redis version. If you use the Redis Playbook, this is automatically done for you.
This role is compatible with the following Redis versions:
7.4 (note: not available in the Remi Repo as of 2025-03-05)
Optional Role Variables
Variable |
Description |
Default Value |
Enables or disables the redis service, analogous to |
Systemd: Resource limit directive for the number of file descriptors. |
Systemd: Configures the time to wait for start-up. If Redis does not signal start-up completion within the configured time, the service will be considered failed and will be shut down again. |
Systemd: First, it configures the time to wait for the ExecStop= command. Second, it configures the time to wait for the Redis itself to stop. If Redis doesn’t terminate in the specified time, it will be forcibly terminated by SIGKILL. |
# optional
redis__service_enabled: true
redis__service_limit_nofile: 10240
redis__service_timeout_start_sec: 5
redis__service_timeout_stop_sec: 5
config directives
Variables for redis.conf
directives and their default values, defined and supported by this role.
Role Variable |
Documentation |
Default Value |
If port |
v6: |
unset |
unset |
unset |
unset |
TLS Port. Set |
unset |
redis__conf_appendonly: 'yes'
redis__conf_auto_aof_rewrite_min_size: '64mb'
redis__conf_bind: ''
redis__conf_daemonize: 'no'
redis__conf_databases: 16
redis__conf_loglevel: 'notice'
redis__conf_maxmemory: '50M'
redis__conf_maxmemory_policy: 'noeviction'
redis__conf_port: 6379 # If port 0 is specified Redis will not listen on a TCP socket.
redis__conf_protected_mode: 'yes'
redis__conf_replica_serve_stale_data: 'yes'
redis__conf_requirepass: 'password'
- '3600 1'
- '300 100'
- '60 10000'
redis__conf_tls_auth_clients: 'no'
redis__conf_tls_ca_cert_file: '/etc/redis/ca.pem'
redis__conf_tls_cert_file: '/etc/redis/redis.pem'
redis__conf_tls_key_file: '/etc/redis/redis.key'
redis__conf_tls_port: 6379
redis__conf_supervised: 'auto'
Not really a problem: The role configures systemd correctly, even if you get WARNING supervised by systemd - you MUST set appropriate values for TimeoutStartSec and TimeoutStopSec in your service unit' in
/var/log/redis/redis.log`. This can be safely ignored according to this GitHub issue.