Siehe auch
restic ist ein in Go geschriebenes Backup-Tool, welches mehrere Revisionen von Dateien und Verzeichnissen in einem verschlüsselten Repository auf verschiedenen Backends speichern kann.
Amazon S3
Backblase B2
Google Cloud Storage
Local Block Storage
Microsoft Azure Blob Storage
Minio Server
OpenStack Swift
REST Server
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Source Code:
Aus dem EPEL-Repo:
dnf -y install restic
Backup-Repo erstellen:
restic --repo /path/to/myrepo init
Dateien sichern:
restic --repo /path/to/myrepo backup /path/to/files
Informationen zum und Stati über das Backup-Repo abfragen:
restic --repo /path/to/myrepo check
restic --repo /path/to/myrepo snapshots
restic --repo /path/to/myrepo stats
Wer nicht mit Klartext-Passwortdateien arbeiten möchte, verschlüsselt sich diese beispielsweise mit GPG:
restic --password-file <(gpg --decrypt ~/restic-password.gpg) ...
restic Cheat Sheet
restic is a backup program which allows saving multiple revisions of files and directories
in an encrypted repository stored on different backends.
restic [command]
Available Commands:
backup Create a new backup of files and/or directories
cache Operate on local cache directories
cat Print internal objects to stdout
check Check the repository for errors
copy Copy snapshots from one repository to another
diff Show differences between two snapshots
dump Print a backed-up file to stdout
find Find a file, a directory or restic IDs
forget Remove snapshots from the repository
generate Generate manual pages and auto-completion files (bash, fish, zsh)
help Help about any command
init Initialize a new repository
key Manage keys (passwords)
list List objects in the repository
ls List files in a snapshot
migrate Apply migrations
mount Mount the repository
prune Remove unneeded data from the repository
rebuild-index Build a new index
recover Recover data from the repository not referenced by snapshots
restore Extract the data from a snapshot
self-update Update the restic binary
snapshots List all snapshots
stats Scan the repository and show basic statistics
tag Modify tags on snapshots
unlock Remove locks other processes created
version Print version information
--cacert file file to load root certificates from (default: use system certificates)
--cache-dir directory set the cache directory. (default: use system default cache directory)
--cleanup-cache auto remove old cache directories
-h, --help help for restic
--insecure-tls skip TLS certificate verification when connecting to the repo (insecure)
--json set output mode to JSON for commands that support it
--key-hint key key ID of key to try decrypting first (default: $RESTIC_KEY_HINT)
--limit-download int limits downloads to a maximum rate in KiB/s. (default: unlimited)
--limit-upload int limits uploads to a maximum rate in KiB/s. (default: unlimited)
--no-cache do not use a local cache
--no-lock do not lock the repository, this allows some operations on read-only repositories
-o, --option key=value set extended option (key=value, can be specified multiple times)
--password-command command shell command to obtain the repository password from (default: $RESTIC_PASSWORD_COMMAND)
-p, --password-file file file to read the repository password from (default: $RESTIC_PASSWORD_FILE)
-q, --quiet do not output comprehensive progress report
-r, --repo repository repository to backup to or restore from (default: $RESTIC_REPOSITORY)
--repository-file file file to read the repository location from (default: $RESTIC_REPOSITORY_FILE)
--tls-client-cert file path to a file containing PEM encoded TLS client certificate and private key
-v, --verbose n be verbose (specify multiple times or a level using --verbose=n, max level/times is 3)
Use "restic [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Built on 2025-01-06