Check mysql-query


This check runs a warning and/or critical query against any MySQL/MariaDB schema. The result - the number of items found or a specific number, depending on the query - can be checked against a range expression.

As an example, consider a simple table with a list of clients:

hostname ! waitingupdates
alice    ! 3
bob      ! 11
charlie  ! 5
david    ! 7
erin     ! 0
frank    ! 6

The use case: Issue a warning when the number of clients with 5 or more waiting updates is greater than 2. One possible SQL statement for getting the number of clients with 5 or more waiting updates is:

select *
from data
where waitingupdates >= 5

In the above example, 4 rows are returned, so mysql-query checks the number of rows against the given threshold.

You also may count the number of clients directly, which just returns one row with a value of 4 in one column:

select count(*) as cnt
from data
where waitingupdates >= 5

In this case, mysql-query checks the returned value 4 with the specified threshold.

The full command line call retrieving the data and applying the thresholds (which are ranges) is:

mysql-query \
    --warning-query='select * from data where waitingupdates >= 5' \


Fact Sheet

Check Plugin Download

Check Interval Recommendation

Every 5 minutes

Can be called without parameters


Compiled for

Linux, Windows


User with no privileges, locked down to - for example monitoring\@ Usernames in MySQL/MariaDB are limited to 16 chars in specific versions.

3rd Party Python modules



usage: mysql-query [-h] [-V] [--always-ok] [-c CRIT]
                   [--critical-query CRITICAL_QUERY]
                   [--defaults-file DEFAULTS_FILE]
                   [--defaults-group DEFAULTS_GROUP] [--timeout TIMEOUT]
                   [-w WARN] [--warning-query WARNING_QUERY]

This check connects to a MySQL/MariaDB database and can then run a separate
warning and/or critical query against it. The result - the number of items
found or a specific number - can be checked against a range expression.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  --always-ok           Always returns OK.
  -c CRIT, --critical CRIT
                        Set the CRIT threshold. Supports ranges.
  --critical-query CRITICAL_QUERY
                        `SELECT` statement. If its result contains more than
                        one column, the number of rows is checked against
                        `--critical`, otherwise the single value is used.
  --defaults-file DEFAULTS_FILE
                        Specifies a cnf file to read parameters like user,
                        host and password from (instead of specifying them on
                        the command line), for example
                        `/var/spool/icinga2/.my.cnf`. Default:
  --defaults-group DEFAULTS_GROUP
                        Group/section to read from in the cnf file. Default:
  --timeout TIMEOUT     Network timeout in seconds. Default: 3 (seconds)
  -w WARN, --warning WARN
                        Set the WARN threshold. Supports ranges.
  --warning-query WARNING_QUERY
                        `SELECT` statement. If its result contains more than
                        one column, the number of rows is checked against
                        `--warning`, otherwise the single value is used.

Usage Examples

Table (example):

date       ! network ! hostname ! waitingupdates
2023-01-01 ! A       ! alice    ! 0
2023-01-01 ! A       ! bob      ! 1
2023-01-01 ! A       ! charlie  ! 2
2023-01-01 ! A       ! david    ! 3
2023-01-01 ! A       ! erin     ! 4
2023-01-01 ! A       ! faythe   ! 5
2023-01-01 ! A       ! frank    ! 6
2023-01-01 ! A       ! grace    ! 7
2023-01-01 ! A       ! heidi    ! 8
2023-01-01 ! A       ! ivan     ! 9
2023-01-01 ! A       ! judy     ! 10
2023-01-01 ! B       ! mallory  ! 0
2023-01-01 ! B       ! michael  ! 1
2023-01-01 ! B       ! niaj     ! 2
2023-01-01 ! B       ! olivia   ! 3
2023-01-01 ! B       ! oscar    ! 4
2023-01-01 ! B       ! peggy    ! 5
2023-01-01 ! B       ! rupert   ! 6
2023-01-01 ! B       ! sybil    ! 7
2023-01-01 ! C       ! trent    ! 0
2023-01-01 ! C       ! trudy    ! 1
2023-01-01 ! C       ! victor   ! 2
2023-01-01 ! C       ! walter   ! 3
2023-01-01 ! C       ! wendy    ! 4

WARN if more than 6 hosts in network A have more than 3 waiting updates, and CRIT if more than 2 hosts in networks B and C have more than 4 waiting updates:

./mysql-query \
    --warning-query='select * from data where network = "A" and waitingupdates > 3' \
    --warning=6 \
    --critical-query='select * from data where network <> "A" and waitingupdates > 4' \
    --critical=2 \


7 results from warning query `select * from data where network = "A" and waitingupdates > 3` [WARNING] and 3 results from critical query `select * from data where network <> "A" and waitingupdates > 4` [CRITICAL]

date       ! network ! hostname ! waitingupdates
2023-01-01 ! A       ! erin     ! 4
2023-01-01 ! A       ! faythe   ! 5
2023-01-01 ! A       ! frank    ! 6
2023-01-01 ! A       ! grace    ! 7
2023-01-01 ! A       ! heidi    ! 8
2023-01-01 ! A       ! ivan     ! 9
2023-01-01 ! A       ! judy     ! 10

date       ! network ! hostname ! waitingupdates
2023-01-01 ! B       ! peggy    ! 5
2023-01-01 ! B       ! rupert   ! 6
2023-01-01 ! B       ! sybil    ! 7


  • WARN if number of rows or single value of --warning-query is outside --warning range

  • CRIT if number of rows or single value of --critical-query is outside --critical range

  • Otherwise OK

Perfdata / Metrics






Number of rows or single value of --warning-query



Number of rows or single value of --critical-query

Credits, License