Check feed
This check warns on the newest feed item of an RSS or Atom feed for a given amount of time (default: 3 days). By default the check warns on the newest item published today or older (use --latest
to change this behaviour). It strips HTML from the feed message.
With this check, you can acknowledge the warning in IcingaWeb, so that the check changes back to OK. To enable the check plugin to get the ACK status from Icinga and therefore automatically switch to OK, you have to create an Icinga API User like so:
object ApiUser "linuxfabrik-check-api-user" {
password = "mysupersecretpassword"
permissions = [ "objects/query/service" ]
Please remember to set a reasonable check interval time. Usually it is a waste of bandwidth to poll feeds more often than each hour.
Fact Sheet
Check Plugin Download | |
Check Interval Recommendation |
Once an hour, or every 4 hours |
Can be called without parameters |
Yes |
Compiled for |
Linux, Windows |
3rd Party Python modules |
Handles Periods |
Yes |
Uses SQLite DBs |
usage: feed [-h] [-V] [--always-ok]
[--icinga-service-name ICINGA_SERVICE_NAME]
[--icinga-password ICINGA_PASSWORD] [--icinga-url ICINGA_URL]
[--icinga-username ICINGA_USERNAME] [--icinga-callback]
[--insecure] [--latest] [--no-proxy] [--no-summary]
[--timeout TIMEOUT] [--url FEED_URL] [-w WARN]
Warns on new feed items of an RSS or Atom feed. Does not warn any more if you
acknowledge the warning in Icingaweb2, and/or if a given amount of time is
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-V, --version show program's version number and exit
--always-ok Always returns OK.
--icinga-service-name ICINGA_SERVICE_NAME
Unique name of the service using this check within
Icinga. Take it from the `__name` service attribute,
for example `icinga-server!my-service-name`.
--icinga-password ICINGA_PASSWORD
Icinga API password.
--icinga-url ICINGA_URL
Icinga API URL, for example https://icinga-server:5665
--icinga-username ICINGA_USERNAME
Icinga API username.
--icinga-callback Get the service acknowledgement from Icinga. Default:
--insecure This option explicitly allows to perform "insecure"
SSL connections. Default: False
--latest Return the newest/latest feed item (may be in the
--no-proxy Do not use a proxy. Default: False
--no-summary Do not show the feed item summary. Default: False
--timeout TIMEOUT Network timeout in seconds. Default: 5 (seconds)
--url FEED_URL The Feed URL. Default:
-w, --warning WARN How long should this check return a warning on new
entries? Default: 4320 (minutes)
Usage Examples
./feed --url --warn 1440
./feed --icinga-url https://icinga-host:5665 --icinga-callback --icinga-username linuxfabrik-check-api-user --icinga-password mysupersecretpassword --icinga-service-name 'icinga-host!Feed Service Name' --url
This is an important news item from a RSS feed. (2h 15m ago)
Feed examples
Heise Security Feed (German):
Run every hour, during office hours only (8 to 18 o’clock, Mo to Fr) - more often makes no sense
Warn for 4 hours (240 minutes)
Icinga2 Releases Feed on GitHub:
Run once or twice a day
Warn for 24 hours (1440 minutes)
No summary please, just the title (the new version string)
./feed --url --no-summary --warn 1440
WARN if current feed item is not acknowledged and not older than a given threshold.
Otherwise always returns OK.
Perfdata / Metrics
There is no perfdata.
- Python module „BeautifulSoup4“ is not installed.
sudo -u icinga pip3 install --user BeautifulSoup4
- Couldn’t find a tree builder with the features you requested: xml. Do you need to install a parser library?
sudo -u icinga pip3 install --user lxml
Credits, License
Authors: Linuxfabrik GmbH, Zurich
License: The Unlicense, see LICENSE file.