Check borgbackup


Linuxfabrik in-house check, may not be useful for others. Checks the content of /var/log/borg/borg.log. Known Issue and Limitation is that the calculation of the borg process runtime can be wrong.

cat /var/log/borg/borg-prune.log
cat /var/log/borg/borg-create.log
Return code
0: success (logged as INFO)
1: warning (operation reached its normal end, but there were warnings – you should check the log, logged as WARNING)
2: error (like a fatal error, a local or remote exception, the operation did not reach its normal end, logged as ERROR)
128+N   killed by signal N (e.g. 137 == kill -9)

Fact Sheet

Check Plugin Download

Check Interval Recommendation

Once a day

Can be called without parameters


Compiled for



usage: borgbackup [-h] [-V] [-c CRIT] [-w WARN]

Checks the date and return code of the last borgbackup, according to the

  -h, --help           show this help message and exit
  -V, --version        show program's version number and exit
  -c, --critical CRIT  Set the critical threshold for the time difference to
                       the start of the last backup (in hours). Default: None
  -w, --warning WARN   Set the warning threshold for the time difference to
                       the start of the last backup (in hours). Default: 24

Usage Examples



Last Backup started 2021-06-02 23:05:07, ended 2021-06-02 23:05:43, took 36s.
* Create retc: 0, State:
* Prune retc: 0, State:


  • WARN on active borg mounts

  • WARN on Borg return codes > 1

  • WARN or CRIT if last backup start time > n hours

Perfdata / Metrics

  • create_retc

  • prune_retc

  • duration


local variable ‚…‘ referenced before assignment

Expected behaviour of the check. If either starttime, endtime, create_retc or prune_retc is missing (and hence this error message is returned), the backup has failed in any way.

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