Check php-fpm-status


This check collects information from the PHP-FPM pool status page and alerts on certain overuse. In addition, a table is printed which contains each pool process in the status „Running“ (which information relates to the current request that is being served).

PHP-FPM config example:

; PHP-FPM Config
pm.status_path = /fpm-status
# Apache Config
Alias /fpm-status /dev/null
<LocationMatch "/fpm-status">
    Require local
    ProxyPass unix:/run/php-fpm/www.sock|fcgi://localhost/fpm-status

Fact Sheet

Check Plugin Download

Check Interval Recommendation

Once a minute

Can be called without parameters


Compiled for

Linux, Windows


Configure a status page like /fpm-status, /<poolname>-fpm-status or similar in /etc/php-fpm.d/<poolname>.conf


usage: php-fpm-status [-h] [-V] [--always-ok] [-c CRIT]
                      [--critical-slowreq CRIT_SLOW_REQUESTS] [--insecure]
                      [--lengthy] [--no-proxy] [--test TEST]
                      [--timeout TIMEOUT] [-u URL] [-w WARN]
                      [--warning-slowreq WARN_SLOW_REQUESTS]

This check collects information from the PHP-FPM status page and alerts on
certain overuse. In addition, a table is printed which contains each pool
process in the status "Running" (information relates to the current request
that is being served).

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -V, --version         show program's version number and exit
  --always-ok           Always returns OK.
  -c, --critical CRIT   Set the CRIT threshold for queue usage as a
                        percentage. Default: >= 90
  --critical-slowreq CRIT_SLOW_REQUESTS
                        Set the CRIT threshold for slow requests. Default: >=
  --insecure            This option explicitly allows to perform "insecure"
                        SSL connections. Default: False
  --lengthy             Extended reporting.
  --no-proxy            Do not use a proxy. Default: False
  --test TEST           For unit tests. Needs "path-to-stdout-file,path-to-
  --timeout TIMEOUT     Network timeout in seconds. Default: 8 (seconds)
  -u, --url URL         PHP-FPM Status URL. Default: http://localhost/fpm-
  -w, --warning WARN    Set the WARN threshold for queue usage as a
                        percentage. Default: >= 80
  --warning-slowreq WARN_SLOW_REQUESTS
                        Set the WARN threshold for slow requests. Default: >=

Usage Examples

./php-fpm-status --url http://localhost/fpm-status --warning 80 --critical-slowreq 3 --lengthy


Pool www (dynamic): 71.0 connections, 14 processes (4 active, 10 idle), Up 23s (since 2024-04-12 13:24:23)

PID   ! State   ! Process Start                 ! Reqs ! LastReqDur  ! LastMthd ! LastContLen ! Last Request URI ! Script                                    ! AuthUser
55238 ! Running ! 2024-04-12 13:24:23 (23s ago) ! 6    ! 530ms 807us ! GET      ! -           ! /index.php       ! /var/www/html/ ! -

The columns mean:

  • PID: The system PID of the process.

  • Reqs: The total number of requests served.

  • LastReqDur: The total time in microseconds spent serving last request.

  • LastMthd: The HTTP method of the last served request.

  • LastContLen: The length of the request body of the last request.

  • Last Request URI: The URI of the last served request (after webserver processing, it may always be /index.php if you use a front controller pattern redirect).

  • Script: The full path of the script executed by the last request. This will be ‚-‘ if not applicable (eg. status page requests).

  • AuthUser: The HTTP user (PHP_AUTH_USER) of the last request.

For more details see


  • WARN or CRIT on queue usage over certain thresholds (default 80/90%)

  • WARN or CRIT if number of slow queries is over certain thresholds (default 1/100)

Perfdata / Metrics




accepted conn

Continous Counter

Number of requests accepted by the pool

active processes


Number of active processes

idle processes


Number of idle processes

listen queue len


Size of the socket queue of pending connections

listen queue


Number of requests in the queue of pending connections

max children reached


Number of times, the process limit has been reached, when pm tries to start more children (works only for pm ‚dynamic‘ and ‚ondemand‘)

queue usage


Number of requests in the queue of pending connections, in %

slow requests


Number of slow requests

start since


Number of seconds since FPM has started

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