Ansible Role kvm_vm

This role creates and manages virtual machines (VMs) on a KVM host.

By default, this role requires an OS image that has been modified using cloud-init and sysprep (to provide ssh keys or set the root password). Note: cloud-init and sysprep are only run when the boot disk is re-created.

If you want to create a VM with an existing disk, see the kvm_vm__existing_boot_disk variable.

The role does not currently support resizing the VM.

Mandatory Requirements

  • Install Python 3, and the python3-libvirt and python3-lxml modules on the KVM host. This can be done using the linuxfabrik.lfops.python role. If you use the kvm_host Playbook to setup the KVM host, this is automatically done for you.

  • Place the base image in the kvm_vm__pool on the KVM host. If kvm_vm__pool is default, you get the storage path by running virsh pool-dumpxml default | grep -i path on the KVM host.



What it does


Creates and manages the virtual machine


Sets the state of the VM

Mandatory Role Variables




The base image file which will be used for the VM. Has to be placed in the kvm_vm__pool storage pool.


The size to which the boot disk will be resized. This is required since we are using a base image. Should either be in bytes, or given using an optional suffix: k or K (kilobyte, 1024), M (megabyte, 1024k) and G (gigabyte, 1024M) and T (terabyte, 1024G) are supported. b is ignored.


The KVM host. Will be used in delegate_to statements, meaning the host should either be in the ansible inventory or reachable via the given value.


Memory to allocate for the VM, in MiB.


Number of virtual cpus to configure for the VM.


# mandatory
kvm_vm__base_image: 'rocky8-base-image.qcow2'
kvm_vm__boot_disk_size: '50G'
kvm_vm__host: ''
kvm_vm__memory: 2048
kvm_vm__vcpus: 2

Optional Role Variables



Default Value


A list of additional disks. They will be created in the kvm_vm__pool if they do not exist already. Subkeys:

  • name: Mandatory, string. The name of the disk. Will be prepended with the kvm_vm__name and suffixed with .qcow2.
  • size: Mandatory, string. The size of the disk, in the same format as kvm_vm__boot_disk_size.
  • pool: Optional, string. Storage pool of the disk.



Whether the VM should be started on host boot up or not.



String. See man virt-install for details on --boot.



URL for connecting to the hypervisor on the kvm_vm__host.



A list of existing additional disks. They will not be modified, only added to the VM during creation. The disk have to be placed in the kvm_vm__pool storage pool.



This allows to provide an already existing boot image, skipping the usage of a base image, and any modification to the disk. The disk has to be placed in the kvm_vm__pool storage pool.



The run time maximum memory allocation of the VM. This is the maximum amount of memory that can be hot-plugged.

'{{ kvm_vm__memory }}'


The domain name of the VM.

'{{ inventory_hostname }}'


List of dictionaries of network connections to configure. Currently only supports ethernet devices (no bond/bridges/vlans). Subkeys:
* name: Mandatory, string. Name of the network interface.
* mac: Optional, string. MAC of the interface. Defaults to a randomly generated MAC starting with 52:54:.
* addresses: Optional, list. List of IP addresses to assign. Defaults is unset.
* dhcp4: Optional, bool. If dhcp for IPv4 should be enabled or not. Defaults to false.
* dhcp6: Optional, bool. If dhcp for IPv6 should be enabled or not. Defaults to false.
* gateway4: Optional, string. IPv4 Gateway. Requires setting addresses. Default is unset.
* gateway6: Optional, string. IPv6 Gateway. Requires setting addresses. Default is unset.
* network_type: Optional, string. Libvirt Network type. Either 'bridge' or 'network'. Defaults to 'network'.
* network_name: Optional, string. Libvirt Network name. This is either the name of the bridge or of the virtual network. Defaults to 'default'.



Set the operating system of the VM, will be used to optimise the guest configuration. Have a look at man virt-install.



A list of packages which will be injected into the image using virt-customize.

['cloud-init', 'qemu-guest-agent']


The KVM storage pool for the base image and disks.



The root password of the VM.



A list of keys which will be authorized to connect to the VM via SSH.



The state of the VM. Possible options:
* 'absent': Use with caution. Destroys the VM and deletes all storage volumes.
* 'destroyed': „hard shutdown“. Immediately terminates the VM. Does not delete any storage volumes.
* 'paused': Suspends the VM. It is kept in memory but won’t be scheduled anymore.
* 'running'
* 'shutdown': Gracefully shuts down the VM.



# optional
  - name: 'disk1'
    size: '10G'
    pool: 'data1'
kvm_vm__autostart: true
# a more complex `--boot` parameter: boot using UEFI, but without Secure Boot (paths valid for RHEL)
kvm_vm__boot: 'loader=/usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_CODE.secboot.fd,loader.readonly=yes,loader.type=pflash,nvram.template=/usr/share/OVMF/OVMF_VARS.fd,loader_secure=no'
  - 'vm1-existing-disk1.qcow2'
  - 'vm1-existing-disk2.qcow2'
kvm_vm__existing_boot_disk: 'vm1-existing-boot.qcow2'
kvm_vm__connect_url: 'qemu:///system'
kvm_vm__max_memory: '{{ kvm_vm__memory }}'
kvm_vm__name: '{{ inventory_hostname }}'
  - name: 'eth0'
      - ''
    gateway4: ''
kvm_vm__osinfo: 'detect=on'
  - 'cloud-init'
  - 'qemu-guest-agent'
kvm_vm__pool: 'default'
kvm_vm__root_password: 'linuxfabrik'
kvm_vm__ssh_authorized_keys: []
kvm_vm__state: 'running'


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Author Information

Linuxfabrik GmbH, Zurich