Ansible Role icingaweb2
This role installs and configures IcingaWeb2.
Mandatory Requirements
Install MariaDB, and create a database and a user for said database. This can be done using the linuxfabrik.lfops.mariadb-server role.
Install a web server (for example Apache httpd), and configure a virtual host for IcingaWeb2. This can be done using the linuxfabrik.lfops.apache_httpd role.
Install PHP version >= 7.3. This can be done using the linuxfabrik.lfops.php role.
Optional Requirements
For exports to PDF also the following PHP modules are required: mbstring, GD, Imagick.
LDAP PHP library when using Active Directory or LDAP for authentication.
Mandatory Role Variables
Variable |
Description |
The account for accessing the Icinga2 API. |
The user account for accessing the SQL database. Currently, only MySQL is supported. |
The host part of the URL for IcingaWeb2. Will be used for the Apache HTTPd vHost. |
# mandatory
username: 'icingaweb2-api-user'
password: 'linuxfabrik'
username: 'icingaweb2_user'
password: 'linuxfabrik'
icingaweb2__url_host: ''
Optional Role Variables
Variable |
Description |
Default Value |
A list of dictionaries defining the authentication backends (e.g. database) for IcingaWeb2. Have a look at Subkeys: |
IcingaWeb2 Database |
The host on which the SQL database is reachable. |
The Host-part of the SQL database user. |
The name of the SQL database. |
The application-wide default theme for the web interface. |
A list of dictionaries defining the available user groups for IcingaWeb2. Have a look at Subkeys: |
A list of dictionaries defining additional actions entries in the deprecated IcingaWeb2 Monitoring host view. Use |
A list of dictionaries defining additional actions entries in the IcingaWeb2 IcingaDB host view. Subkeys: |
A list of dictionaries defining additional actions entries in the IcingaWeb2 IcingaDB service view. Subkeys: |
A list of dictionaries defining additional menu entries in the IcingaWeb2 navigation bar. Subkeys: |
IcingaWeb2 Database |
A list of dictionaries defining additional actions entries in the IcingaWeb2 service view. Use |
A list of dictionaries defining the resources for IcingaWeb2 (entities that provide data to IcingaWeb2). Have a look at Subkeys: |
A list of dictionaries defining the user roles for IcingaWeb2. Have a look at Subkeys: |
The port of the URL for IcingaWeb2. Will be used for the Apache HTTPd vHost. |
A list of dictionaries containing the IcingaWeb2 users. Subkeys:
host_vars / group_vars (can only be used in one group at a time). |
# optional
- name: 'AD'
resource: 'ldap'
backend: 'msldap'
- name: 'autologin'
backend: 'external'
icingaweb2__authentications__group_var: []
icingaweb2__database_host: 'localhost'
icingaweb2__database_login_host: 'localhost'
icingaweb2__database_name: 'icingaweb2'
icingaweb2__default_theme: 'Icinga'
- name: 'AD_groups'
backend: 'msldap'
resource: 'ldap'
nested_group_search: '1'
base_dn: 'DC=ad,DC=example,DC=com'
- name: 'vSphereDB VM'
type: 'host-action'
target: '_next'
url: 'vspheredb/vm?uuid=$_host_uuid$'
filter: '_host_uuid!='
users: '*'
groups: '*'
owner: 'admin-user'
- name: 'vSphereDB Host'
type: 'host-action'
target: '_next'
url: 'vspheredb/host?uuid=$_host_esx_uuid$'
filter: '_host_esx_uuid!='
users: '*'
groups: '*'
owner: 'admin-user'
- name: 'LibreNMS'
type: 'host-action'
target: '_blank'
url: '$_host_librenms_device_id$'
filter: '_host_librenms_device_id!='
icon: 'librenms-alerts.png'
users: '*'
groups: '*'
owner: 'admin-user'
- name: 'vSphereDB VM'
type: 'icingadb-host-action'
target: '_next'
url: 'vspheredb/vm?uuid=$host.vars.uuid$'
filter: 'host.vars.uuid~*'
icon: 'cloud'
users: '*'
groups: '*'
owner: 'admin-user'
- name: 'vSphereDB Host'
type: 'icingadb-host-action'
target: '_next'
url: 'vspheredb/host?uuid=$host.vars.esx_uuid$'
filter: 'host.vars.esx_uuid~*'
icon: 'cloud'
users: '*'
groups: '*'
owner: 'admin-user'
- name: 'LibreNMS'
type: 'icingadb-host-action'
target: '_blank'
url: '$host.vars.librenms_device_id$'
filter: 'host.vars.librenms_device_id~*'
icon: 'librenms-alerts.png'
users: '*'
groups: '*'
owner: 'admin-user'
- name: 'vSphereDB VM'
type: 'icingadb-service-action'
target: '_next'
url: 'vspheredb/vm?uuid=$host.vars.uuid$'
filter: 'host.vars.uuid~*'
icon: 'cloud'
users: '*'
groups: '*'
owner: 'admin-user'
- name: 'vSphereDB Host'
type: 'icingadb-service-action'
target: '_next'
url: 'vspheredb/host?uuid=$host.vars.esx_uuid$'
filter: 'host.vars.esx_uuid~*'
icon: 'cloud'
users: '*'
groups: '*'
owner: 'admin-user'
- name: 'LibreNMS'
type: 'icingadb-service-action'
target: '_blank'
url: '$host.vars.librenms_device_id$'
filter: 'host.vars.librenms_device_id~*'
icon: 'librenms-alerts.png'
users: '*'
groups: '*'
owner: 'admin-user'
- name: 'New link'
users: '*'
groups: '*'
type: 'menu-item'
target: '_main'
url: ''
icon: 'globe'
owner: 'admin-user'
- name: 'vSphereDB VM'
type: 'service-action'
target: '_next'
url: 'vspheredb/vm?uuid=$_host_uuid$'
icon: 'icon-cloud'
filter: '_host_uuid!='
users: '*'
groups: '*'
owner: 'admin-user'
- name: 'vSphereDB Host'
type: 'service-action'
target: '_next'
url: 'vspheredb/host?uuid=$_host_esx_uuid$'
filter: '_host_esx_uuid!='
users: '*'
groups: '*'
owner: 'admin-user'
- name: 'LibreNMS'
type: 'service-action'
target: '_blank'
url: '$_host_librenms_device_id$'
filter: '_host_librenms_device_id!='
icon: 'librenms-alerts.png'
users: '*'
groups: '*'
owner: 'admin-user'
icingaweb2__navigation_menu_entries__group_var: []
icingaweb2__resources__host_var: []
- name: 'ldap'
type: 'ldap'
hostname: ''
port: '389'
base_dn: 'DC=ad,DC=example,DC=com'
bind_dn: 'ldap-user'
bind_pw: 'linuxfabrik'
- name: 'Administrators'
users: 'admin-user'
permissions: '*'
groups: 'Administrators'
icingaweb2__roles__group_var: []
icingaweb2__url_port: 81
- username: 'admin-user'
password: 'linuxfabrik'
icingaweb2__users__group_var: []